I studied early childhood education and worked in the field in 3 different countries. I enjoyed my experience of working with children and collaborating with amazing people from diverse cultural backgrounds. I returned to Canada in 2020, and due to covid, I had to stay home for a while. During that time, I tried to learn new things online and came across a free online course for web development. I loved the process of thinking logically and analyzing and solving problems during that period.
After completing the course, I felt I’m ready for some change and challenge in my life. So, I applied to the CPA program the following fall.
"Continuous effort– not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential. --Winston Churchill"For the past 2 years, I have learned the fundamentals of various programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and MySQL. During my studies, I learned the importance of being disciplined and ensuring my work was to a high standard. Therefore, I managed to maintain a 4.0 GPA and even support a couple of my classmates to achieve the same goal by tutoring them.
I have built various projects not only for school, but also on my spare time. By accessing them, you can simply click the project button on the top right corner.
“Programming is learned by writing programs. ”― Brian KernighanSince enrolling in the CPA program, my passion for coding has increased daily. I see myself improving over time, from someone who had no idea what data types are to using complex algorism to solve problems. Coding helps me strengthen my analytical and logical skills and teamwork and communication skills.